L.A. based duo Gladiator, comprised of Dan Goodman and Ian Johnson, are a part of infamous Fool’s Gold Records family and, together, they have created a strong trap remix of Taylor Swift’s smash hit “Bad Blood.”
Within the first 20 seconds you are pulled into the joint through sharp drum line snares and vocal cut ups of Taylor Swift’s chants “Bad blood! Hey!”
Using strong percussion samples, Gladiator pulses the onward march with enough bass wobble to revitalize the track. The tandem builds with a tantalizing first minute to really sell the anthem, breaking down every lady’s favorite line, “Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes” while rebuilding traction towards final minute. Gladiator perfectly balances the track by implementing heavy flickering hi-hats, screaming synths, tin snare hits, drum line percussion rolls, and deep resonating wobbles.
Just when you thought you could get rid of the 2015 ear-worm of the year, Gladiator remixes Taylor Swift’s smash hit “Bad Blood” into a hard trap remix you can’t live without. Make sure you grab the free download too!
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