8 Money Saving Tips That Will Optimize Your Music Festival Experience

Figure out the best way to get there.

A huge portion of money for music festivals goes towards transportation. Sometimes if it is far away, you may even have to fly. Try to calculate how much gas you would spend driving versus a plane ticket, and choose the one that is cheaper. If you choose to drive and you are going in a group, carpool with a person with a big car so everyone can pitch in for gas. Splitting up the cost of gas between a group saves you a lot of money in the long run.

Buy merchandise AFTER the festival.

If you feel like you are dying to have something and afraid they will run out of your size, then buy it the first day. Just bare in mind that most vendors still have everything the last day and many times they knock the prices down. Or if they don’t, you can buy it online later on for a lot cheaper.

As far as CD’s go, you should also wait to buy these as well. DJ’s will most likely release their new music a month later on their website or through an online vendor. If you need a way to remember the music, use an app like Shazam during the show to identify what the song is or bring a small notepad to write it down so you can look it up at a later date.

music festival merchandise
Buying  music festival merchandise on the last can help you save a couple dollars.

There you have it electronic dance music family. 8 money saving music festival tips that will put pennies back in your pocket this festival season.

What festival tips have helped you save a few dollars? Be sure to comment and let us know!

photo credit: starbright31 via photopin cc

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