ye. (pronounced yea) is a rising producer out of Syracuse, NY. He just had his first show this past year as he opened for Vanic at Music Hall of Williamsburg in NYC. Now he is excited to announce that his first festival will be UpNorth Music & Arts Festival this August 18-19-20.
We have selected a collection ye.’s music to showcase the kid’s future bass prowess.

The first single is a future bass piece called ‘hlsy flip’ that will give you chills. ‘hlsy flip’ starts off with faint vocals which become more clear as the track builds. The lyrics chanting ‘we are the new Americana’ accompanied with a powerful bass will fill you with hope for the future.
Listen to ‘hlsy flip’ by ye. below:
Next, ye. teams up with Squired to create a magical future bass single ‘gloss’.
The title speaks volumes of the smooth nature of the song. This single has all the future bass elements you have come to love but with a lighter and softer approach to the structure by giving the listener plenty of time to breathe between drops. Pick this one up for free download by clicking here.
The final single from ye. that we have to showcase is called ‘Stranded’ that he works with Opvs on. ye. mixes vocal samples at just the right pitches while carrying a soothing and hypnotic beat making it impossible for you not to be drawn in. Pick up your copy to add to your future bass collection for free by clicking here.
These songs are just a few of many delightful pieces of music that ye. has created. He just opened his social media accounts, so let’s show him some love giving him a like.