TOKiMONSTA is back, prepping for her release of her new album FOVERE and drops the perfect teaser “I’m Waiting” to highlight her new sonic sound.
Traditionally known for her J. Dilla influenced sound, TOKiMONSTA has been pushing herself to grow as a producer and as a sound engineer – no doubt a reason why Flying Lotus picked her up to be on Brainfeeder Records. “I’m Waiting” exemplifies the sound TOKiMONSTA was exploring in her album Desiderium, with highlight “Realla”, that focused on swirling colors, and evoking foggy soundscapes.

Fans of TOKiMONSTA expect her classic 808-inspired percussion, and that old hip-hop feel akin to Madlib or J. Dilla. However, “I’m Waiting” lacks percussion for a majority of the time. Interestingly enough, its this expectation that pulls you in deeper, enjoying the enveloping sound while the track slowly blooms and morphs. It isn’t until the last minute that the groove locks itself into place with minimal, warm, percussion.
This is unexpected from TOKiMONSTA who usually drives that J. Dilla/Madlib influence hard at you until you groove.
Here, she is pulling us deeper and closer to listen intently to appreciate the slow build up – a perfect track to open any set as TOKiMONSTA sets up her festival runs this upcoming season or watch the sunset crash on the waves. After this track, the wave crash and TOKiMONSTA thrusts you into a heavier, blossoming world in her new EP.