Tackling an essay or research paper assignment is something you have to be efficient at or you’re going to be missing a lot of good music. Here are 5 tips for writing great essays that will pay dividends.
1. Pick an Interesting Topic You Enjoy
Even if your essay has to be centered around bath mats, find an interesting aspect about it that you can enjoy researching and writing about. As soon as you find something that excites the nerd inside of you, reading and traveling down the rabbit hole of the topic will be entertaining. That is when words will fly onto the page and your interest in the subject matter will shine through your essay.
2. Write a Strong Thesis Statement
A strong thesis statement is at the beginning of your essay with around 30-40 words and draws the reader in while clearly defining what your essay is going to prove. Here is a basic thesis template to get ideas flowing: _____ is true because _____, _____ and _____.
Remember to be flexible after creating your initial thesis, you do not want to try to force something to be true because you want it to fit your essay. Allow your research to enlighten you, then finalize your thesis.
3. Create an Outline
Before you overwhelm yourself with that vast amount of information you find researching, take a little time to create an outline. Think about where to start. If the topic of your paper is centered around a complicated term, start with a definition. For a paper about a theory, start by explaining the background of the theory. Make sure you use a grammar checker because quality is just as important as content.
From there create subcategories that support your thesis. The length of your essay determines how many subcategories you should have. By breaking your 10 page essay into 1 subcategory per page, you will feel much less overwhelmed. As you discover information while researching, don’t hesitate to make modifications to your outline.
4. Conduct and Cite Research
When conducting research, don’t rely on Google or other popular search engines to provide you with the most credible sources of information. Explore your school’s library database and the multiple academic search engines available online. You will save time by not having to weed through advertisements and obtain knowledge from credible academic journals that your professor will respect.
Once you have conducted your research, make sure to cite your sources properly. This can be tedious, but necessary. To make creating your bibliography much easier, use EasyBib or other free bibliography generating websites.
5. Rely on a Trusted Essay Writing Service
When you don’t have time or when life experiences trumps homework, reach out to a trusted essay writing service, Fast Essay. By utilizing fasteassy.com you can have your piece of writing expertly done within the shortest deadlines possible. Now you can enjoy life or spend the necessary time on more important courses and your essay will be waiting in your inbox when you need it. Find out more about how Fast Essay works.