NYC’s Young and Successful: Phil Bash (thatDROP Exclusive)

The Label

Having started off with everything but EDM under their belts, Bash Records began to establish different relations with various producers/DJs including a recently signed 17 year old German born by the name of Loudan who has stardom at the grasp of his hands.

This young gunner has success written all over him knowing that he has the 360 degree forward guidance that his record label and management is able to provide to him.

“It’s funny because I always make fun of his name (Daniel Illetscheck)  because it sounds like he’s a science professor. That was actually his alias at first…it actually took us six to eight months to sign the contract, not just because he is a minor, but also because we really had to get comfortable with each other. We met through Facebook, then Skype sessions and finally got to meet at WMC. We knew we wanted to work with him from the beginning… we had already started working on his music and brand even before we signed him onto our label…Loudan is a very hard worker,and exceptional producer and we have a lot of content that will give him a big year within the next couple of months.”


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