With all of the complex elements that compose an electronic dance music track, it is imperative to have the proper equipment that will allow you to consume media and experience music on an entirely different level. Having inadequate headphones and speakers can severely detract from the over quality of a track and kill the vibe, whether you are throwing a party or trying to stay amped up during an intense workout.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of headphones and speakers that exist in the market. Some are great for various genres such as classical and jazz, others are not so great altogether, and more yet vary in levels of comfort. Some will suggest that a good headphone is one that you put on and forget you are even wearing.
My mother used to tell me that there are two things you spare no expense on: toilet paper and shoes. I would like to submit a third thing worth spending the extra dollar on – proper audio equipment.
With more and more people traveling, a proper pair of headphones is a game changer. Nothing better to help set the mood on that flight to TomorrowWorld than a solid pair of cans pouring sounds in your earhole.
Whether you have a preference for earbuds, traditional headphones, noise cancelling headphones or wireless headphones, thatDROP dives in to take a look at some of the best options in the game, whether you are a casual electronic dance music fan or aspiring EDM producer.