Bassheads rejoice! Flux Pavilion and Snails collaborated on a new track called “Cannonball” and the song is sick. While the track is on the shorter side (about two and a half minutes long), the energy never dies.
Throughout “Cannonball”, these two producers keep the bass going the entire time. The song starts hard, continues hard and ends (guess how?) hard. Both Flux Pavilion and Snails‘ individual styles can be heard throughout the track, but Flux‘s deep bass is highly prominent.
The bass music masters combined their considerable knowledge and individual styles to create a hard and heavy track that will please fans.

“Cannonball” immediately opens with heavy hitting bass and the dubstep doesn’t stop there. Throughout the track, they utilize a distorted bass sound that hearkens back to old school dubstep. There are rough male vocals scattered throughout the song, but the beats are the real star. Synth bass, heavy percussion and deep beats fill the track and don’t let up for the entire song. True to its name, this song “hits like a cannonball”.
Do yourselves a favor and listen to this collaboration with a good sub woofer and the volume cranked up. The percussive song promises to be a headbanger of a track and will set dance floors on fire.
Bassheads will definitely be hearing this track during festivals, and if you’re lucky enough to be going to a Safe in Sound Festival where Snails will be performing, get ready for this dubstep banger!