Festival Fails: 5 of EDM’s Greatest Facepalm Moments

5 of EDM's Greatest Facepalm Moments
“DJ” Paris Hilton.

Life is all about opposites and the polarizing forces that give us the duality of the human condition. Good and bad, yin and yang, etc. – you get the picture.

All of the beautiful moments in dance music can’t come without a few fails, and these cringe-worthy videos are just a skim off the top from some of dance music’s most ridiculous moments.

So here they are, the best of the worst: 5 of EDM’s greatest facepalm moments.

The Infamous ULTRA Tree Hugger

Taking the love of tree to a whole new level.

The TomorrowWorld Ass Eater

Ain't nothing like a sweaty rave booty.
Ain’t nothing like a sweaty rave booty.

Kudos to the guy for going for whatever makes him (and his girl) happy, but we’d at least suggest a shower first. Then again, maybe that’s just us.

CBS Thinks EDM is Slang for MDMA

CBS proves that their understanding of drugs and dance music culture runs about as deep as the puddle in your driveway. Hilarious? You bet.

The Worst Interview of All Time

Props to the guys from Major Lazer for keeping their cool during this ridiculous iHeartRadio interview at Lollapoolaza because this entire train wreck is too bad to not watch.

Keys N Krates Gets More Than They Bargained For in Florida

Remember that girl who thought was an awesome idea to get naked and storm the stage at a Keys N Krates show in Tampa, Florida? Well, the internet remembers, and this isn’t a good look for her or the scene no matter how you spin it.

Remember kids, drugs are bad m’kay.

Click here for more stories and happenings from around the EDM community.

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