Need some help figuring out what to wear to your next EDM festival? Don’t know what to pack? Want to look back on some wonderful moments from festivals past?
Your search is over!
We are now on Pinterest to help with all of those needs and beyond. With pin boards devoted to makeup, photography, packing tips, fashion and so much more, you will be ready for any and all things to come this festival season.
Complete with fitness tips for the rave body you have always wanted and do it yourself instructions for the glitter gel you’d rather not send away for, this is the perfect place for your EDM needs.
You can help too!
The more feedback we get the more we will be able to share with others, so our fans will make this as big as it can be.
By following us on Pinterest you can share your ideas with us, and as they come through our news feed, we can pin up on some of our boards.
Lets all keep the PLUR vibes flowing outside the festival grounds and share what we love with those around us.
Come check out our EDM Pinterest account here!
photo credit: GrassHopper Underground_6_27_2014_ via photopin (license)