Adventure Club have always been on top of their game in the scene, and diversified their sound over the years, growing from the Canadian dubstep duo I initially fell in love with. After slaying the dance music scene all these years, in December of 2016 Adventure Club finally released their debut album, ‘Red / / Blue‘.
‘Red // Blue’ by Adventure Club available now:
‘Red / / Blue’ is a culmination of Adventure Club‘s most recent tracks, including fan-favorites ‘Crash 2.0’, ‘Fade’, and ‘Limitless’. The entire album has a foundation of house music, but is definitely not limited to a single genre.
‘Red / / Blue’ is a versatile arsenal of their work, featuring different kinds of music; the dirtier sounds found on ‘Ghosts’ challenge the sleek and clean tracks like ‘Limitless’ and ‘Dreams’ with ELEA, which takes on a more ambient dreamscape, but still parties just as hard as it soothes the ear.
Adventure Club gives ‘Need Your Heart’ ft. Kai that 2.0 treatment.

Now they’ve started off 2017 just as strong, releasing their new single ‘Need Your Heart 2.0’ as a rework of the original classic. With the help of Dion Timmer, together they have taken this song to the next level. In a similar fashion to how the Canadian dubstep duo revamped ‘Crash’ with ‘Crash 2.0’ we now have been blessed with ‘Need Your Heart 2.0’.
Grab your FREE download of ‘Need Your Heart 2.0’ right here.