Hailing from Chicago, 19-year-old Ethan Snorek best known as breakout artist and producer Whethan, has captured critical and public attention for his arsenal of music, especially after rocking the Sahara Stage at Coachella earlier this year. Brought to you by Atlantic Records is Whethan‘s debut EP, Life of a Wallflower Vol. 1. The full EP boasts collaborations with some of his best buds, as well as some fellow artists the provided a few catchy vocal hooks, making this debut EP a strong staple for electronic artist Whethan.
Whethan’s Debut EP Life of a Wallflower Vol. 1 Out Now via Atlantic Records

“Life of a Wallflower Vol. 1” provides us with a glimpse into Whethan‘s complexities as a young, budding artist. He just finished up a massive Fall Tour across North America that was in support of the Wallflower project, which boasted huge, hallucinogenic visuals of countless colors and geometric patterns, in order to properly bring his sound to life. However, the full “Life of a Wallflower Vol. 1” EP just dropped via Atlantic Records last week. As a hot single from the album, “Superlove” was released in June earlier this year. The track was a group effort with talent Oh Wonder, creating magic with their first effort.
“We had a day together in a studio in LA and wrote “Superlove” within half an hour of sitting down with him. We went to get pizza, came back and knew we had written something cool. This is our first collaboration with another artist, and we are so hyped to be doing that with Whethan. We love what’s he done with the production, and he instantly knew how the song should sound. Whethan is a true talent.” – Oh Wonder