The ultimate festival set up is a bit like Nirvana. It’s sought my many, but attained by few.
Each experience teaches you something new, broadening your knowledge and adding to the memory bank to take with you for future adventures – but rarely is that perfect state achieved. With that in mind, we’ve set out to spread the gospel and include 15 of our favorite camping and music festival hacks that we’ve picked up after years of crisscrossing the countryside.
Is everything that you’ll need for your next festival included on this list? Of course not. But, will you pick up a few essential nuggets of knowledge to take with you on your next trek? We’d like to think so.
Ranging from quick makeshift lanterns to hangover cures and everything in between, these 15 music festival hacks to help you camp like a pro should have you well on your way to the ultimate setup, check them out below:
Create a Campsite Lantern Using a Gallon Jug of Water and a Flashlight

Strap a headlamp or aim a flashlight into a gallon jug of water to create a lantern for your campsite. Try it once and you’ll never forget this easy camping hack.
Frozen Water Bottles = Ice Packs

Freeze gallon jugs (or smaller water bottles) to keep your cooler cold. Why waste space with an ice pack when you’re already bringing water? You may have heard rumors about this releasing dioxins into the water, but research does not support this claim.
Bring Easy Pre-Made Meals

Pre-making meals to reheat at your campsite can be a godsend when you’re trying to eat a solid meal but still trying to leave time to catch that extra set. From pre-made taco materials to hobo potatoes and more, this easy trick will have you grubbing in style at your next festival.
Get Your Hangover Kit Ready

Let’s face it, chances are that you’ll probably be imbibing while out at your next festival, and preparing for the dreaded hangover is never a bad choice. Avocados, fresh fruit, vitamins, gatorade, and more have all been suggested as potential hangover cures – why not try it out?
Pro Tip: An Emergen-C followed by a Bloody Mary definitely won’t hurt either.
The Double Dinner

You’re burning more calories than you think while you’re out and about raging all night, so plan on stacking up your internal energy reserves by eating a meal at dinner time and another in quick succession after dark. If you plan on staying up for the sunrise sets (and we always do), this will help keep you fueled up and ready to go for some late night/early morning shenanigans.
Bring a Pop-Up Canopy and Tapestries

The pop-up canopy/tapestry combo is one of the greatest tricks in the festival book. It provides shade, gives you guys a landmark to find your camp, creates a congregation spot for your camp, and more – it’s an essential.
Think About Bringing a Test Kit (If Needed)

This one’s for safety, plain and simple. The best way to take care of yourself is to abstain from substances, obviously, but if you’re going to partake you should know what you’re taking. Be smart.
A Marquis test reagent is a standard spot-test to identify certain chemicals, and you can procure them from numerous dance music organizations like The Bunk Police and DanceSafe. They’re not perfect tests and legality may differ from state-to-state, so know what you’re getting yourself into, but you should at least know what your taking if you choose to do it.
Have a To-Go Container for Cigarette Butts

If you smoke, don’t be that guy who throws your butts on the ground. It’s nasty, disrespectful, and wrong. Pick up a pocket ashtray if you know you’ll be having a puff in the crowd and away from trash cans. They don’t smell, they fit easily in a pocket or bag, and they don’t leave trash on the ground. It’s a win-win.
Bring Your Own Trash/Recycling Bags

Many festivals provide trash and recycling bags for you, but many don’t. Always pack an extra couple trash bags to make sure that your campsite is well-prepared for the weekend.
Pro Tip: Bring multiples to separate disposable trash and recycling.
Bring Multiple Sets of Cold/Wet Weather Gear

A simple yet sometimes forgotten essential: come prepared. Typically, choosing an extra set of cold weather or rain gear over additional fair weather supplies is the way to go. It’s great to have an extra t-shirt, it’s better to have an extra pair of dry pants if it’s cold, rainy, and you’re out in the middle of nowhere. Pack smart.
Use a Wagon or Wheelbarrow to Haul Your Gear

An essential for non-car camping festivals, wagons and wheelbarrows are the perfect transportation solution for your campsite supplies. They’re awesome when you get to the festival, and even better when you’re packing up and heading home after the long epic weekend. Work smarter, not harder.
Create a Pre-Festival Playlist to Learn New Artists

Get to know some of the DJs and bands that you don’t already with a pre-festival playlist highlighting artists from the lineup. You’re guaranteed to find at least one act that didn’t already know about and it’ll get you out there to check out fresh music.
Trade Music With Neighbors for the Ride Home

Tying into the above statement, create playlists (or burn CD’s) to trade your favorite music with your newfound friends and neighbors. We’re all already their for the music, why not help spread it?
Bring Wet Wipes

You’ll thank us later.
Pack a Moonmat or Camping Pad

They’re easy to transport, lightweight, and add an extra bit of epic to your probably much-lacking festival sleep regimen. Better sleep = better raging. Trust us, it’s science.
Are there any tips, tricks, and camping hacks that you’d like to add to the list?
Be sure to leave us a comment and let us know below and click here for more of the latest music festival news, info, and lineup releases.
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photo credit: Fruit Plate via photopin (license)
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photo credit: IMG_2307 – Rainbow in a Blank CD-R with Water Droplets (Black & White) via photopin (license)
photo credit: Reminiscing | [Day 11/365] via photopin (license)