Why Do People like Electronic Music?

Have you ever wondered why you chose electronic music to listen to, create or play? What determines choice? In any case, no matter what factors influence the choice, the love for this genre is the strongest.

With the development of information technology, it has become much easier to find different genres. Now, in addition to streaming services, there are many playlists even on YouTube, and the authors of various collections do not even have to buy YouTube views in order to receive great feedback from users.


Most electronic songs (of course, not all, for example, the whole field of ambient genres) are built on a very strong rhythmic core, much more than in many other genres. Many of them come straight from the roots of human music, such as singing and tribal rhythm. It takes little to no training or exposure to recognize a good beat, and most electronic music is filled with great beats.

Dance ability

This largely follows from the last point. Most electronic music (although, again, not all) is very functional on the dance floor. These rhythms make us move our body and it’s just great, especially when we train in a group. For some people, songs are very much intertwined with the strong feelings experienced in these contexts.

It is thanks to dancing that style is so popular on video hosting sites. There you can watch music videos and admire beautiful dances. Since visual accompaniment is very important for the perception of content, the authors of videos do not even have to buy views on YouTube. It is of interest to all users.

Timbre complexity

Electronic songs offer a tonal complexity far beyond what you can find in most traditional instrument-based genres (although electronic sounds are increasingly finding their way into other genres).

Timbre variations tend to be less accessible to most musical functions than melody, and require a little ear training to fully understand them. For those who overcome this obstacle, they can greatly expand the potential of music and become incredibly interesting.

Emotional Range

We all feel that electronic music has a much wider emotional range than most traditional genres, although its expression is often much more subtle. The closest competitors are probably jazz and symphonic classics. The types of feelings that electronic songs can evoke are rarely as obvious or direct as the lyrical and melodic messages of most pop tracks.

Traditional genres usually offer consciously accessible narratives (especially with lyrical forms), while electronic music evokes more complex, subtle emotions that do not necessarily develop in a linear or easily describable way.


To fully appreciate abstraction, you must be able to turn off your thought, or at least be able to push it into the background. It’s not as easy as it might seem. But most electronic music is without words, and we listen to it with inspiration and pleasure. If there are no lyrics, that is, if the mind has nothing to interpret, projecting any emotional values ​​becomes quite difficult.

So, electronic music allows us to appreciate abstract art, so it certainly contributes to the perception of this music as an abstract art form.


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