The great thing about music is its ability to transport us to a different dimension and wipe away all of our concerns. The right track can completely engulf you, allowing you to fully live in the moment and enjoy the melody as it courses through your veins.
Out now through Swiss label Sirup Music, Henry D and Alexander Orue’s rework of “What They Think About Me” is precisely one of these tracks.
Conveying a feel good message, this fresh flip of the KOS & Ron Carroll original embodies a sentiment that we all strive to achieve – not wasting any of our energy on those external forces that try to bring us down. The vocals of this melodic/deep house remix scorch through the track, with passionate guitar chords that pour gas on the fire. With the weekend upon us, throw on this tune, toss your worries out the window, and just let it ride.
Scoop up the track on Beatport today and be sure to connect with Alexander Orue and Henry D on social media.
Watch the original music video of KOS & Ron Carroll’s “What They Think About Me” below.