ULTRA Korea, the longest running ULTRA worldwide event outside of Miami, has dropped a stunning Aftermovie for its 2016 installment. The Founders also just announced the dates for 2017 and opened up sales for Early Bird tickets.
Final Kid production makes another astonishing Official Aftermovie for an ULTRA Music Festival.
For this film, Final Kid focuses on local talent and vividly captures the energy of the bustling and vibrant city that is Seoul. In addition, the film follows a graffiti artist who’s work ends up coming to life for an art activation, which ended up being one of the highlights of the weekend.
Watch the Official Aftermovie below:
Now that your jaw is dropped after watching this short film, you can purchase your tickets for ULTRA Korea 2017 by clicking here.
Along with the premier of the film, the dates for ULTRA Korea 2017 were announced.

This June 10th- 11th, find yourself at ULTRA Korea, Asia’s most beloved festival in Seoul. The two day pass merely goes for 136 USD. Act fast to avoid FOMO.
View last year’s lineup to get an idea of the huge talent this festival pulls:

The success of this festival goes to show how electronic music has the ability to cross international borders and bring cultures together.
Electronic music is the international language.
Now how can we harness that to create a more beautiful life? The first step to discovering that answer would be to attend ULTRA Korea.
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