Should I Invest in CBD Lotion for my Salon?

CBD oil which is used in commercial products is derived from hemp. This hemp extract is legal to distribute nationally and that’s why it’s mostly used in commercial CBD oil-infused products. Contrary to what most people think, it has numerous benefits to different parts of the body. Yes, the cannabis plant contains tetra-hydrocannbinol (THC) compounds that have mind-altering effects, especially when ingested or smoked but oil and other oil-infused products will not get you high.

Though most CBD products haven’t been approved by the FDA to treat any specific medical condition, and thus not regulated for purity and dosage, there have been lots of positive reviews from different consumers. Most reviews are positive with people reporting several benefits from the use of products like oil and lotions.

Some of the benefits include pain relief and mood stabilization after the use of these products. This has led to the usage of lotions and oils in spas all over to utilize these benefits, like the use of CBD-infused lotions in massage services. Apart from relieving both short-term and chronic pain, the lotions are said to work effectively when it comes to giving you smooth and luxurious skin. But always get your cdb lotion from a trusted source. But first, here’s more information to help you determine if you should invest in lotion for your salon.

Why use CBD lotion?

Most salons and spas use various therapeutic products like therapeutic grade essential oils, creamy butter, and skin-soothing aloe vera. All these products blend well with lotions forming a nurturing, restorative, and indulgent body cream. The CBD and major cannabinoids in lotions make it a great choice in spas since oils like camphor have great anti-inflammatory properties and a blend with other essential oils gives a very soothing cream.

Cannabis has been used in medicine for thousands of years after it was proven to treat a variety of medical afflictions which include multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and some neurodegenerative disorders. The anti-inflammatory benefits of aid in calming stressed skin & minds. Also, being a powerful antioxidant, protects the skin from harsh UV rays, smoke, and environmental pollutants.

CBD is packed with a combination of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, effective for healthy skin. Vitamins A &D are great for skin repair, support cell growth and inhibit oil production balancing skin oils keeping the skin soft and supple. Vitamin B complex vitamins are vital in the construction process for the skin, hair, and nails reducing the development of conditions like dermatitis, hair loss, and other skin conditions. 

Benefits of using CBD lotions

Reduces Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition mostly caused by allergic reactions to pollen and other substances in the air.  It’s an uncomfortable, itchy, and sometimes painful skin condition.  The anti-inflammatory properties make it a great choice for pain relief and skincare since most lotions can moisturize and leave a soothing sensation reducing eczema on the skin.

Wrinkles & Anti-Aging skincare regime

Though research is still ongoing, CBD lotions have been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with moisturizing effects making them an excellent choice to add to your anti-aging skincare regime. oil also has the makeup of lipids already found in our skin and this may promote oil production preventing dry skin, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. 

Reduces muscle & joint pain

Several people who’ve used the topical CBD body lotion, be it as a cream, or salve have reported noticing an improvement in their muscle and joint function. But, CBD is still new to the market, hasn’t undergone conclusive research proving its effectiveness in treating pain and is not FDA approved. The studies carried out showed significant improvements in adult patients suffering from chronic pain, muscle and joint discomfort which is promising but more research is required.

Eases skin irritation

Skin irritation or dryness can be uncomfortable and painful. Skin irritation may be soothed by the moisturizing effects of CBD since it’s a natural emollient. With products you can ease rashes and burns and other skin conditions as well.

How CBD topicals work

CBD activates the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which causes sensations of pleasure and inhibits pain by binding to cell receptors in the skin, muscle tissue and nerves. As a result, this can reduce both pain and inflammation. Depending on the oils or cream you blend it with,  can have different effects.

Most salons and spas with clients with inflamed knee joints, plantar fasciitis, or tight calves can enjoy the benefits during massages. The lotions and oils are applied during manicure and pedicure to help ease inflamed finger joints. You can try out the cbd lotions and see how well they work on your clients. 

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