The opulent Uptown Theater in Kansas City, MO was transformed into a portal of transcendental visionary art and music on December 12 for RE:CREATION KC featuring Shpongle, Random Rab, and Alex & Allyson Grey and more. VibeSquaD opened the evening as guests were invited inside to explore and discover the hidden secrets in nooks and crannies of the beautiful theater, and there were plenty to discover. A brave explorer of the space could find everything from fire spinners, glass blowers, and acro-yogis to face & body painters, touch therapists and a multitude of vendors selling handmade and vintage wares.

Visuals were handled by the legendary Jonathan Singer of Tipper and Fare Thee Well fame and included a recurring Alex Grey art motif embedded within the many shifting layers of fractal patterns. Chandler Thomann of Strobez Productions ran lights and the disco ball was employed to epic effect.

The main event of the night was a 2-hour Shpongle set and the DJ also known as Simon Posford did not disappoint. He dropped both new and old Shpongle productions while sprinkling in other Hallucinogen tracks. Alex and Allyson Grey created live masterpieces stage left while visionary artist Adam Psybe worked on a Shpongle-themed piece to the opposite side of the booth.
Silk-winged and mirror-suited dancers prowled the stage as Shpongle’s sounds, singers, visuals and Strobez lights swirled into an alchemical, psychedelic melting pot of transcendence. The story and memory of this incredible event will surely be on the lips, hearts and minds of everyone who participated for many years to come.

Jamie Seed was on-site and captured some incredible photography during the event. For more of his work, be sure to follow Jamie Seed Photography on social media by clicking here.
Check out all 125 photos from RE:CREATION Kansas City below.
The opulent Uptown Theater in Kansas City, MO was transformed into a portal of transcendental visionary art and music on…
Posted by thatDROP.com on Wednesday, December 16, 2015