You see them at every festival, every concert, and every venue. They’re the ones that partied too hard. Their night got too real, too quickly. They are the infamous rave fails.

A situation with a rave fail could go from hilarious to terrifying in a split second,. That’s why it’s so important to aid a fellow raver when you see them in need. It doesn’t take much to help, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. Taking five minutes to check if someone is okay could save a life.
You could save a life.
Let’s break down the basic human needs: oxygen, food, water, shelter and sleep.
A raver in danger is probably missing at least one of these essential items.
When approaching a potential rave fail, call out to the person in question. If the person responds, boom, oxygen. Remember, if they’re talking that means they’re breathing.
The scariest part is over. Now get this guy some water. More than likely he or she is dehydrated from dancing and sweating. Get a bottle of water and let them drink it slowly. You can even go above and beyond and hook the raver up with a snack. Everyone loves a good snack and it might give this person some energy. If they’re in the sun, try to get them to move to a shaded, cooler area. If it’s cold outside, try to get them to a warmer spot where they can heat up.
Sometimes a raver just needs to go home. It’s been a long night, their eyes just won’t stay open, and the Sand Man continues to call out their name. In this case, try to find his or her friends or even call a Taxi if the rave fail seems capable of traveling.
Whatever you do, do not leave a raver in danger alone. Take a second to ensure this individual doesn’t need a medic. One person; that’s all it takes save a life.
It just takes one person to notice that guy sitting in the corner by himself, one person to check if that girl’s alright, one person to give a helping hand. You could be that person.