Insomniac CEO Pasquale Rotella (left) and DJ/Producer Ryan Raddon AKA Kaskade (right)
It is no secret that the culture and pageantry surrounding electronic dance music has come a long way from it’s underground roots in the early 90’s.
One man who has been there throughout the entire evolution is Insomniac Events & Electric Daisy Carnival Founder & CEO Pasquale Rotella.
With more and more people being drawn into the community by the music, it is important to take some time and understand the history and culture of a community that has become so influential on an entire generation. Leave it to Rotella to drop truth bombs. The brain behind EDC took to Facebook to eloquate his stance on PLUR and what it’s really about.
Says Rotella:
“PLUR is OG” – Pasquale Rotella
A few Words about P.L.U.R. When I was first introduced to this concept it was in the early 90’s at undergrounds. At that time it was a Spoken thing. A discussion. Sometimes it was written in the corner of a flyer here and there. But they were definitely the overriding Principles of attending an Event….and also for trying to live your Life Outside of Events.
This was Pre-Kandi, Pre-Merch, Pre-Just about everything. Promoters were breaking into Warehouses in LA by Bolt Cutting Locks, there was maybe 1 or two lights, and all the money was spent on a booming sound-system. Security was sometimes Non-Existent. Which was always amazing to me because then Drag Queens, GangBangers, Goths, Breakdancers, and Kids like me and my friends from Westside would Get Along. Better that that, WE PARTIED!
The concept of P.L.U.R held people together then. In a very REAL way. It still holds the same Gravity for me now.
I’m not sure when it became popular or “Cool” to clown on “PLURRRRR Bro”.
But I just laugh and give those people a Big Hug, because they don’t get it. PLUR is O.G…PLUR is why I keep doing Events, and The spirit of PLUR saved my Life a few times when things got sticky back in the Day!
More on this Later, but I will leave you with this…
#PEACE – To be in the same place as another, to exist similtaniously without conflict or adverse effects/reactions.
#LOVE – To unconditionally feel great affection for a fellow being, and offer friendship regardless of race, sex, or creed.
#UNITY – To come together and defend common interests and give a sense of well being among those who feel unaccepted, to allow any and all to be a part of you and your friends.
#RESPECT – To allow yourself to be who you are without expectations, and allow others to do the same while helping each other, giving those around you the pride, courage, and honor you would yourself.
View Pasquale Rotella’s original Facebook post outlining his stance on PLUR below.
✌️✊ A few Words about P.L.U.R. When I was first introduced to this concept it was in the early 90’s at undergrounds….