Finding music as a connection to civilization while out at war, MPrint materializes his passion for electronic music through a soothing electro pop single ´Message Me´. For this release he linked up with long time friend, November47. Together they get creative with developing sounds from unusual sources and whisk us away with a comforting sax melody.
Revel in MPrint and November47´s electro pop single, ´Message Me´.

As you listen try to imagine how the sounds for the melody were created. You have probably heard DJs use the signature IPhone ringtones in their tracks, but MPrint takes that to the next level that you will hear in the track´s percussion. Accompany the pop driven beat are lyrics that speak of similarities and differences in the evolution of love.
Listen to MPrint & November47´s ¨Message Me¨:
To discover the story behind the music and artists, we reached out for an exclusive interview.

What is your favorite thing about music and creating music?
MPrint: My favorite thing about music the effect it has on the listener. Since music styles are subjective the same song could have many different effects depending on the listener. My favorite thing about creating is that I have the effect to inspire and create emotions. Creating is not a simple process but it is fun when you create something that evokes an emotion within yourself.
November47: Hearing the finished version of something I poured every ounce of my creative powers into. When all the elements come together – even the smallest, least noticeable elements – when they come together to form this orchestration of the soul.
What is your song writing process like?
MPrint: The process I take when writing a song is everywhere. Some days a melody that starts a track. On other days I start with a chord progression. Sometimes a kick might be the start. When I sit down to create normally whatever emotions I am feeling comes out in my work. I believe there is no right or wrong song and the process is no different. Whatever sparks your creation create. There is no limit to creation if you don’t box it in.
What are your intentions behind your new single ‘Message Me’? What do you hope listeners take away from this track?
MPrint: The intentions behind “Message Me” is to show how the forms of communication have changed through generations but the seeking of love has stayed the same. During the track, we used the typing noise of a typewriter, computer, and iPhone as a percussion element. We also used vocal effects during the song to show the change in computer technology. We just wanted to show that communication methods have changed but the reasoning is the same love. Love is the most sought after affection. The song just shows that communication and love have stayed true for generations.
November47: Love is still the same Love that existed before mankind and will continue to exist when this planet is gone. No matter when you grew up or what you were subjected to, if you were fortunate enough to find Love, you can relate to this song. If you haven’t been so fortunate, you will find hope.
If you could go back in time to hangout with anyone who would you go see and what track of this generation would you introduce to them?
MPrint: I would go back to hang out with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I would love to pick his brain on how his pieces were so expressive and have compositional contrast. I know counterpoint is used but I hear things that I would love to clarify with him.
I would introduce him to Calvin Harris and Disciples ” How Deep Is Your Love”. I know the kick he would love and the different moving melodies. But that kick in that song is one of the best I’ve heard.
November47: I’d hang out with Jesus just to let him know that, thousands of years later, he’s STILL the biggest rock star that ever lived. He’s not even here and has more groupies than Queen and Kiss combined. Then I’d play Pink Floyd’s “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” for him (I know it’s not from MY generation but I’d still play it) and he’d be like “Yea that song is great but I could’ve made a better one because I’m Jesus.” And I’d be like “You win, Jesus. Somehow you always win.” And he would nod and ride off into the sunset. I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, in case you’re wondering.
What is something this world needs more of?
MPrint: The world needs more love. With love, everything else will fall in place. Just think about something you love. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do. I just think about the love that GOD had for us to sacrifice himself for the very people who would condemn him. Now that is love. If there was more of that in the world the better place would exist.
November47: Courage. COURAGEOUS people accept their fears and act anyway.
Can you tell me a little about yourself? Where does the name MPrint come from, where, when and why did you fall in love with electronic music?
MPrint: I graduated from high school and joined the military. I was an infantryman soldier for ten years. In my time serving, I went on three deployments and one of them being Iraq in 2005. Through my whole military career music got me through a lot. Those long nights in the gunners’ hatch and in the towers seem to last like forever. It’s crazy when you lose track of time, yourself, and the reality of life. Love doesn’t exist during war. So disconnecting yourself from life and reality is a mechanism triggered to survive. For a few hours out of each day listening to music would give you a connection to civilian life as we would say.
The name MPrint came from the impression I wanted my music to make. The name came about when I started collaborating with November47. I feel in love with electronic music while studying music production at Full Sail University. Before going to college I mainly listened to hiphop but after being around soldiers from different walks of life and having to study different genres in school. I became interested and fond of electronic music. I fell in love with electronic music after hearing Marshmello “Alone”. It bridged electronic music and hip hop. Which were my two favorite genres!
November47: As we – me and my inner circle – got older and began to take music more seriously, I ended up adding singing to my repertoire. I never wanted to be a singer but I just happened to be good at it and we didn’t have many options as far as vocalists. In my adult life, I was blessed to sort of be all over the place career-wise. Everything I did in life seemed to prepare to be what I am today.
I know some of you EDM PURISTS are gonna fry me for this – but Zedd’s “Clarity”. At that time I was still searching for my musical self and it showed me yet another element I could explore musically.
What would be your first rule of order if you were king of the universe?
MPrint: I would make every level of education free for all. We all know education is the key but right now the gatekeepers control who is allowed access. If you are educated in any circumstance and on a specific topic you possess the knowledge to weigh in and give a sound accession. Lack of knowledge has created tension, lack of empathy, and general respect as we see it in our everyday lives. I really feel education would clear up so many misconceptions and misguided thoughts.
November47: I’d probably just make it a law that everyone take at least one hour of each day to reflect on themselves without judgement. The sans judgment is a very important part of that. It allows you to view your own life objectively and clearly see what it is you need to change – or not change – to become a better person.
Do you have any life hacks?
MPrint: If I did have a hack it would be creating without rules and limitation. You could be the next artist that revolutionize something. So create without boundaries.
November47: For musicians – Create music as if you’re trying to share what your soul sounds like.
For everybody else – Just don’t do stupid sh**. And don’t challenge Jesus’s rockstar status. You’ll end up like me when I went back in time and tried to impress him with my modern music.
There you have it, the story of two rising producers guided by pure intentions. As they continue their musical journey you can count of these two positively impacting people. Show your love by following them on their social media handles linked below.
Follow MPrint: SoundCloud | Instagram | Twitter
Follow November47: SoundCloud | Instagram | Twitter