Aside from partaking in his usual antics on Twitter, the very awesome Deadmau5 (aka Joel) really knows how to throw down a sick set.
Since we have all probably heard about his decision *tear* to part ways with his unique pseudonym and have more than likely seen his public confession about his struggle with depression, it is totally time to stay positive and highlight some of the best parts of his live shows, especially for those who didn’t have the chance – or the sense – to go out and attend one!

This. Freaking. Cage.
If you haven’t seen friends posting it on your Instagram or Facebook feeds after one of his shows – and we don’t know how you’d miss it – here’s a sick shot! Undoubtedly, Deadmau5 has a very unique stage presence.
From taking random breaks during a set, to pausing a track right before the drop, he always leaves the crowd guessing at some point or another. After creating a brand new stage back in June for his Governor’s Ball set (which was unsurprisingly amaze-balls!), the fully-operational cage has appeared at most of his shows to follow, becoming a very symbolic part of his sets. Once it splits in half, you know he’s about to go in!
Even better, you can catch him taking tipsy stage dives, leaving us waiting for some crowd surfing, all during the occasional beer break.
Aside from scaring security – who probably think he will fall somewhere in between the stage and the crowd barrier – it definitely wakes everyone up and spikes interest in the set.
Even though he wasn’t down to surf at that particular moment, everyone in the crowd was definitely ready for it!
If you aren’t convinced, know that you’ve missed some dope visuals too.

Looking past his on-stage antics, its pretty important to note that Deadmau5 – as we can see with the stage design – takes the visual effect of his shows really seriously. At any point in a set, everyone in the crowd has a great view of the seriously dope visual effects. Intricately placed bulbs on the cage, ethereally glowing mist and steam, crazy strobes, you name it. SO, even if you aren’t sold on the whole “missing out on seeing him being the biggest mistake you have ever made” thing, look at some of the after-pics; you will see some of the best visuals ever!
Hopefully you get the point; if he drops any more dates, don’t hesitate!
I can’t believe I missed this!