Miami, Florida’s III Points Festival is a thing of awe and wonder, plain and simple. Having never been and being (at the time) partially unsure of what was about to go down, one thing can easily be said after the fact: III Points blasted each one of this writer’s expectations out of the water.
As the shindig approached it was tough to get a true pinpoint of the festival’s scope because, after all, III Points can be something of an enigma.
It’s more than a music festival, it’s more than an art gallery, and it’s more than a gathering. With music, art, film, technology, and more converging on The Magic City, III Points is a bit of everything in all honesty.
Bringing together 20,000+ fans for a weekend of barbecues, demos, showcases, panels, lectures, gallery shows, and music – III Points is well on its way to defying description with its amalgamation mediums and styles.
While the music destroyed it as Nicolas Jaar, Bonobo, Chrome Sparks, Bedside, and a slew of countless others kept our faces permanently melted – there was something bigger afoot, something deeper, something… sublime.
Rather than use oodles of pages of words and text on a screen to debate our existential ponderings from III Points 2015, a photo gallery can say more than we ever could. A picture is worth a thousand words, after all. So, without further adieu, here are 50 photos capturing the transcend times as III Points 2015.
All photos courtesy of Jason Koerner Photography.

And there it is, pure happiness at its finest.
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