By definition, a New Year’s Eve resolution is a decision that you make on the first day of the year about the things that you intend to do or stop doing during that year. As we look forward to 2016 we ask everyone, what is it about EDM that you want to cut back on or do better with?
Below are 5 New Year’s resolutions ever raver should make:

Learn how to give a proper shoulder ride.
It’s all in the knees. Count on not one but two friends to spot you in case you need the help. This must be done in a strategic fashion so that you still look like a pro no matter what happens.
Stick to your festival budget.
Spending more money than you planned is inevitable and is going to happen anyway, but hey it’s worth a try.
Buy presale tickets.
When you get the email that an artist you like is coming to town, buy the tickets then and there, on the spot. That way when the day actually shows up there is a slim chance you won’t remember there is someone you wanted to go see, but didn’t buy the ticket then and that now the event is either going to cost you a small fortune or its probably sold out.
Get acknowledged.
Get DJ to give you fist pump or the pointy finger acknowledging that you are in the crowd. Preferably have them wave to security to let you in the booth, but let’s not stretch the resolutions too far beyond the realms of reality.
Wear DJ Merch that they have for sale or something that took some ingenuity to make. Jump higher then others in the crowd with your hands completely extended in the air. Use your phone to deliver a message that may standout. Bring a totem or poster with some sort of LED lighting. Get a shoulder ride while looking your best; refer to resolution #1 to learn how to do this.
Have fun and party safe.
Go for the love of the music – nothing more nothing less. If you do this, no matter how much you spend or who your with or what happens, you will always have a memorable experience that you can reflect on, saying that you lived to the fullest doing what you love the most – living a PLUR lifestyle, chilling with your friends and creating new friends who came for nothing more than the love of the music.
What are some resolutions you have for the upcoming year? Be sure to leave us a comment and let us know!