Today the Twittersphere went off the chains right around 2:47 PM when Lorin Ashton sent a Tweet over to Deadmau5 saying that an idea had been sent his way. This kind of harmless banter was just enough to put the electronic dance music community in a frenzy. The possibility of a Bassnectar and Deadmau5 collaboration is enough to bring goosebumps to any true dance music aficionado.

Check out the exchange between Bassnectar and Deadmau5 below.
@deadmau5 idea in your inbox, holmes 🙂
— Lorin (@bassnectar) August 13, 2014
@bassnectar cool cool ill check it out — deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 13, 2014
Could a collaboration be in the works?