Step 1: Choosing a base.

There are multiple routes you can go when choosing how to support your totem.
The main recommendation I have is to choose something that is collapsible. This will allow for easier storage and transportation to and from the festival grounds.
A collapsible, telescoping flag pole can provide all that you need. 12-15 feet has proven sufficient for me in the past. This height will allow you to rest the end on the ground while not blocking the view of any one behind you.
Another possible route is to choose a telescoping pool cleaner pole complete with the squared netting at the end (this is my personal recommendation). The squared frame attaches easily to the pole and provides the perfect support for any thing you might want to attach to the top of the pole (but we will get in to that later).
Yet another option is to attach a flag to the pole. To do this all you need to do is put zip ties through the grommets of the flag and attach it to the pole.
As you can see in the picture to the right, I attached a flag as well as two pieces of plywood to the aforementioned square pool netting.
The divets allowed for the sign to pop right off. I could then collapse the pole and pop it right in the trunk of my car for easy transportation.
A nice accessory is a spiral umbrella anchor.

The spiral umbrella anchor will allow you to place your telescoping flag pole in to the ground so that you are not required to carry it the entire day. This lightweight, easy to carry addition is inexpensive and easily screwed in to the ground, offering a sturdy platform for your totem/flagpole.
Some festivals, like bonnaroo, dont let you take in big poles or anything like that. Anyone have any suggestions for a skinny, collapsible pole that i could easily sneak in?
Those pool noodles at Walmart are super lightweight and cheap. That what’s I was planning on using for a totem.