Funny EDM Festival Outfits: 18 Hilarious Costume Ideas For Your Next Music Festival

Dressing up is essential to any music festival.

Even if you’re not usually the person who goes out of their way to rock a silly outfit throughout the weekend, surely you’ve been affected (probably positively) by someone who committed to staying in character at an EDM event. Putting your personal comfort aside for the sake of bringing a smile to the faces of other people is a gratifying feeling few people understand until you’ve spent hours dancing in a cotton body suit. But trust us – it’s worth it.

There’s no better way to make friends than by going outside of your comfort zone and being a little bit eccentric. Don’t want to go overboard? Try some funny t-shirts instead!

Check out these 18 hilarious costume ideas for your next EDM festival.

EDM Festival Costume Ideas
Squirrel Squad – Photo by Rex-A-Vision via Facebook/Suwannee Hulaween

Inflatable T-Rex Costume

Music Festival Costumes

Party Shark Costume

Music Festival Costumes

Unicorn Rider

Music Festival Costumes

Mario & Yoshii

Music Festival Costumes

Squirrel and His Nut

Music Festival Costumes


Music Festival Costume Ideas


Music Festival Costume Ideas




Music Festival Costume Ideas


Music Festival Costume Ideas

Gingerbread Man

EDM Festival Costume Ideas


Music Festival Costume Ideas


Music Festival Costume Ideas


Music Festival Costume Ideas

Inflatable Body Costume

EDM Festival Costume Ideas

Inflatable Marshmellow Man

Music Festival Costume Ideas

Horse Head Mask

EDM Festival Costume Ideas



All photos from

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