The producers of Your Paradise have ingeniously figured out the means to host an amazing adventure tied together with an intimate music festival out of Fiji. The Your Paradise experience is just starting to gain momentum, with last December being their biggest success yet.
Your Paradise is full of surprises for adventurists and music enthusiasts.

With OWSLA’s takeover of Fiji’s biggest Catamaran, DESTRUCTO’s Sandback Sermon, Thomas Jack’s mid-ocean Cloud 9 set, and who could forget Justin Martin’s outrageous crusade of the island ending with him playing a back-to-back Drum n’ Bass set with Skrillex on the beachside mainstage, it should be easy enticing you to come experience Your Paradise this coming December 6th-13th.
Check out the official after movie for Your Paradise 2015 below:
On top of the impromptu sets from the most prolific electronic artists on beaches, boats and sandbars, you will be welcomed along on world-renowned Fijian surf and snorkeling expeditions, catch unworldly sunsets with your favorite artists and other surprises.

With only 600 spots available for this intimate festival, make sure to lock in your dance space on the Catamaran and avoid that pesky FOMO by clicking here.
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