Electric Forest returned to the mythical Sherwood Forest in Rothbury, Michigan from June 25 – 28 and the communal vibes of the Forest Family succeeded in lifting spirits throughout the weekend.
A place that embodies the way everyday life should be, the Michigan-based event drew thousands of eccentric music festival fanatics from all corners of the country. As problems dissipated and time stood still, the lore of Electric Forest cemented itself with another year, shifting perspectives and changing lives in the process.
As always the people of The Forest came out in droves, representing in true Electric Forest fashion.
With lights emblazoned upon the crystal-clear night sky and bass continually penetrating the cellular composition of attendees, masterfully-crafted totems bobbed to the music, serving as beacons and points of rendezvous while spreading smiles to faces throughout the crowd.
Check out these 28 hilarious and awesome totem photos from Electric Forest 2015.
Balls Deep

New and Improved

Stewie Like Pretty Lights

Adventure Time Bass Heads

Fleekin’ for the Weekend


Inquire Within

I am Lorde…



Do You Guys Feel That?

Ground Scores for Smeagol

Age is but a Number

IIIII’m Ready



Good Vibes Abound

Bassnectar Family

Sure Am


More Ground Scores?


Festi Reagan

Camp Chuck

It’s a Celebration

WVU Forest Fam’

Bass Heads Everywhere

Feel the Energy

Do you have more awesome totem photos from Electric Forest?
Be sure to leave us a comment and share with us!
All photos courtesy of Jamie Seed Photography
Our “Where’s Stanley?” totem.
Just do it being the motto for the weekend
Yay my bmo flag!
Missing the jk I’m rowling one, that one had me loling hard.
Dude I saw that balls deep one EVERYWHERE
The J.K. I’m Rowling totem was hilarious