10 Of Our Favorite Sets From Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas 2014


Lorin Ashton came to Las Vegas to leave a lasting impression.

Premiering tracks off his latest EP Noise Versus BeautyBassnectar laid down a set that harnessed the energy of the crowd, changing lives in the process.

Featuring some of the best production in the industry, Bassnectar brought complex light shows and mind-bending visuals including glitched out chameleons, Labrador puppies being blasted by cats with laser eyes, and eyeballs that grew dandelion seeds from the retina.

Bassnectar EDC
Photo via Bassnectar

From start to finish Lorin manipulated the crowd like a master puppeteer.

As the set came to a halt, most of the crowd begrudgingly shuffled away from the set unable to process all of the emotions that the master of bass had just elicited inside of them. Others stood motionless, mouths wide-open with their hands clasped above their heads, staring at the stage in disbelief.

Perhaps the best summary of all was by one gentlemen walking by who proclaimed to his festival family, “That set touched my f*cking soul.” Amen brother.

If Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas 2014 was the Woodstock of the millennial generation, Bassnectar was undoubtedly our Jimi Hendrix.

Who was your favorite set of the weekend? Be sure to leave us a comment and let us know what you think!



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